“He has an amazing ability to connect with his audience only to kidnap them for a journey through his unique creative world. It’s a trip I would take any day, any time.“ - Jazz In Europe
Latest Release

Release Date: 29 October 2021
Format: CD | Digital
Label: PJ Music.
Paul Jost Quartet - While We Were Gone
While We Were Gone, captures Paul and his quartet in their natural environment, live on stage. The album, recorded live at the Soapbox Gallery in Brooklyn (NY), is a double album featuring 23 songs drawn from Jost’s live repertoire. The hallmark of Jost’s appeal is his extraordinary ability to connect with his listeners on an emotional level. He is a passionate storyteller who interprets lyrics and melodies in ways that reveal the beating heart within a song. He says, “I like to present songs in ways that perhaps no one has heard before. It’s not that I’m just trying to be different, but I have my own perspectives that I try to present truthfully and honestly.”
The live recordings on this album are soulful and intimate. It is a journey into the profound, elegant, and moral universe that Jost inhabits.
“The voice is incredible, the style is incredible, the jazz approach is incredible! Fabulous! He is an exceptional talent.” - Linley Hamilton, BBC Radio

About Paul Jost
Paul is a multi-instrumentalist and composer whose vocal style makes him a standout. When describing this unique vocalist and arranger, two thoughts are shared by critics and contemporaries; “Passionate storyteller” and “One of the best male jazz vocalists since Mark Murphy.”
Paul and his quartet (Jim Ridl-piano, Dean Johnson-bass and Tim Horner-drums) have performed throughout France and Belgium and were selected by the U.S. State Dept’s American Music Abroad series to represent jazz in Pakistan and Lebanon.
He’s performed in guest spots with Joe Locke, Orin Evans, Dena Derose and Houston Person and heard throughout the U.S. in New York at 55 Bar, Blue Note, Dizzy’s at Lincoln Center, Mezzrow, Birdland, Smoke, Zinc Bar, North Square, Kitano and Maureen’s; in Los Angeles at Vitello’s, The G Spot and Crypto Jazz Festival in Newport Beach; in Philadelphia at Chris’ Jazz Café, South Jazz Kitchen, and at one of his favorite haunts, the Deer Head Inn in Delaware Water Gap. He also performs in worldwide jazz festivals such as Pohang (South Korea), Limerick (Ireland) and in the U.S. at Exit Zero, COTA, and The Rochester and Pittsburgh International Jazz Festivals.
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Contact and Booking Details

Stefany Calembert
Jammincolors’s Artist Management & Booking Agency
108 Heiligenborre
1170 Brussels
Office: +32 2 660 28 98
Cell: +32 476 52 53 01
Email: jammincolors@gmail.com
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